This beta test has ended. Thanks everyone who participated!
Corite lets fans share the success together. Backers will now get song shares on the BNB Chain when they back an artist and we are looking for beta testers of this.
This is what you need to do:
1. Sign up and connect your wallet
For a quick link, go to
2. Find music you like and back it
You'll find many artist campaigns on the Explore page. You can listen to the music. When you find something you like, click ”Get your share”
3. Use the slider to decide an amount
You can decide how much or how little you want to back with.
4. Pay
Right now you can pay with PayPal, Apple Pay or Google Pay, depending on what you have. And yes, you will be able to become a backer using crypto sooooon!
5. Complete the Beta Tester Form
Once you completed all the steps above, fill in the Beta Tester Form, using the same email address you used when signing up to Corite.
- Only participants that finish all the steps will receive a reward from 10 - 200 BUSD (Update: rewards were paid in USDT). The amount will be determined by Corite at our sole discretion on a case by case basis.
- The rewards will be distributed after the 20 May 2022 to the wallet connected to Corite on the BNB Chain.
- We will determine how much each person will get, based on their survey contributions
- We have will decide when the program is closed for new entries, so first come, first served
- We have the right to refuse any person based on our Terms of Use
- You are not allowed to use multiple accounts