Interview FOD Awardee of the Month: Namasenda
For the Future of Dance awardee of February presented by Corite and 1001Tracklists, Corite’s own Mio Olsson had the honor to interview this month's awardee: The groundbreaking Namasenda from Sweden.
Mio: Let's start with your music background. How did it all begin? When did you start releasing music and performing live?
Namasenda: It started with Spice Girls, then I moved onto punk and played in a band at 12, then I kind of came back to the Spice Girls vibes and stayed there. I performed a lot from age 12 but never did my own thing until I released my first single in 2016 and had my first show like a month later, I was extremely nervous.
Mio: Can you describe your creative process and how it has evolved over time? How do you stay inspired and motivated to create new music, especially when facing creative blocks?
Namasenda: My process is always changing but I've definitely become more confident after making my last project. I always trust the process and if the process means that I feel like watching 5 movies one day then that’s the process.
Mio: How do you engage with your fans and create a connection with them through your music?
Namasenda: I talk to people a lot in my DMs, mostly people send me memes which I really like.
Mio: Any upcoming releases planned? Anything that you want to tease?
Namasenda: Yes, I do and no, not quite yet haha.
Mio: And finally, what will you be spending the fund on?
Namasenda: I'll be using it for my visuals for the next project!
Mio: Thank you so much for joining us today, and we can't wait to see what you have in store for us in the future!
Namasenda: Thank you for having me!
Check out Namasenda:
Check out The Future Of Dance Fund
Know someone that should be considered as next month's awardee?
Nominate yourself or someone else: https://form.typeform.com/to/kGrj94G9