WifeyBaby in the Spotlight!
Backed by hundreds of fans via Corite.
WifeyBaby is a rapper from the East Side of Decatur, Georgia. Her ambitions as an emcee and her love for music are deeply rooted. She’s always used music as a way to express her pain. So when she found out, on the eve of her wedding, that her fiancé was seeing multiple women she did what most creatives do. She wrote about it.
On the song “Unholy Matrimony” Wifey poured out her soul. She even went as far as shooting the music video in her actual wedding dress she should have worn at the cermony. The name WifeyBaby is more profound than just being someone’s wife. It’s about forging a bond between your heart and your mind and not allowing one to create pain for the other. WifeyBaby has a lot to say.
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